819 626-0166
Monday to Thursday 8h to 16h
Friday 8h à 12h
179 Rue Saint-Laurent Ouest
Maskinongé, Qc

Antonio Carraro Canada

Tractor sheet

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Italian-made Antonio Carraro Tractors offer an impressive range of 30 to 100 horsepower (HP) tractors

Machinery for maintaining green spaces, road networks as well as conducting clean-up operations in urban areas, Antonio Carraro is also ahead of the pack when it comes to specialized agricultural machines for work in vineyards and orchards and on steep or rugged terrain.


SR 7600 Infinity


75 Hp


Articulated tractor with hydrostatic transmission (40 Km),75 Hp engine, with electro-hydraulic reverser ,avalaible with or without cab, many option avalaible Ex: Hydraulic power lift side engine , tire type ,and many more. see your Dealer.